Sunday, 1 December 2013


hi guys, this post as you can see by the title is about school.You see im in year 9 and now school has started getting harder as we are getting double all most triple of the amount of homework that we got last year. it is hard to balance and prioritise when half our home work that we get is for the next day.on top of that next week is exam week for me and on Thursday i have 4 exams how is that fare! anyway my point is school sucks. no im just kidding, yeah its hard and can be unfair but thats life, i guess. ok but my point is school may get hard but as long as you try your best you'll be fine. just promise me you wont give up.

anyway thats it for the next 2 weeks sorry guys but like i said i have a lot on my plate but i promise i will be posting ASAP after exams.

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